The Legal Clinic with the help of students from Pro Bono Students Canada (U of Ottawa) will be hosting a social media content contest for high school students in our area called #HelpStopSHIW and are looking for local businesses such as yours to donate prizes for the contest winners.
The contest participants will be local high school students who have volunteered to create social media content raising awareness for youth about how to respond appropriately if they witness sexual harassment in the workplace. In doing so we aim to fill a gap in information available to teens, who are among the most vulnerable to workplace sexual harassment.
We would like to be able to announce the prizes on January 21st at our orientation session for the students and distribute the prizes in mid-February. We are hoping that McDonald’s would be able to contribute to the prize. As a thank you, we will be sharing the names of donors alongside the social media content which will be posted on the Perth Legal Clinic’s website, Facebook page, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, etc.. We will also ask our local papers to post an announcement featuring the contest winners and thanking our donors. [ML1] [AML2]
If you have any questions regarding the video contest or initiative and/or would like to be one of our donors, please contact Anne -Marie Langan at langana@lao.on.ca or by phone at 613-264-7153. You can also go to www.tlcshiwproject.com or to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TLCSHIW for more information about our project.